Tuesday, April 8, 2008

School/Life with Baby

One of my greatest fears when we started this school year was how I was ever going to be able to accomplish anything in school with a brand new baby.  Much to my surprise, things went much more smoothly this year than I had ever dared to hope.  Until now...  

Carol has been (and still is) a wonderful baby.  She is almost always happy and easily entertained.  However, her new favorite thing to do is to pull out anything and everything that she sees that is put away.  If I try to stop her, she gets very mad and starts to scream.  This means that if I want to accomplish anything I have to compromise.  I let her make her messes so that I can get done what I need to at the moment, knowing it means more work for me, and then I clean up her mess when she is distracted with something else.  This morning during our family read aloud, Carol started to pull everything off the school bookshelf.  (She does this a couple of times a day.)  I felt a little exasperated because I really didn’t feel up to another day of chaos control, but just before I lost it, the thought came into my mind that I am so going to miss this some day.  I decided to get out my camera instead and took a few pictures so that I can always remember the fun times we had when everyone was little, and our biggest worries were cleaning up the messes. I hope I can always remember to cherish every moment.  They go by way too fast.  


And yes, we totally do school in our pajamas.  Isn’t homeschooling great?!

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