I can not believe H. Man is 10 years old! It seems like only yesterday that he was a colicky baby that seemed to cry all the time until he was 9 months old.
Well, he has more than made up for those first 9 months in the last 9 years! I couldn’t ask for a better oldest child. He is the most helpful, loving, obedient ten year old I know. He helps around the house without complaint. He has been the best helper with Little C. since she was born.
He mows the lawn every week now (which is such a huge help!) and has even started a lawn care business with his friends.
He is a great cook and has been known to make breakfast or dinner for the family on more than one occasion.
He loves to read and it is hard for me to keep up with all he is reading now days. He is great on a bike, and it is getting hard for me to keep up with him there now too! Now that he’s 10 he can start racing in the juniors devision. His first race is this Saturday. I can’t wait! Go H. Man!
He is great at basketball and is starting to try to give his dad a run for his money. He has to grow a foot or two before he’s a real threat, but they have fun getting up at 5:30 am a couple of times a week to play ball together at the gym.
He is the ultimate Legomaniac. In fact, if you looked up the word in the dictionary there would be a picture of H. Man next to the definition. His party tomorrow is Lego themed and we are looking forward to lots of Lego fun!
H. Man is the coolest 10 year old I know. I really don’t know what I would do without him. I am so grateful to be blessed to be his mother. I love you H. Man. Happy Birthday!