Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: Six Little Words

I haven't participated in Wordful Wednesday's for a while, but this one sounded intriguing and fairly simple.  The assignment was to describe your life in six words.  It is a lot harder than you might think to sum up your life in six words, but here's what I came up with:

"Following Christ, treasuring marriage, cherishing motherhood."

If you want to participate, or see what others had to say click here.


Becky said...

Treasuring marriage...nice sentiment. It reminds me of that conference talk years ago about taking care of the silver properly - do you remember that one?

Montserrat said...

Simple yet profound. Great job, Andrea!

JoyLeanne said...

beautifully put!

Aimee said...

That covers it all! So well put!