Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Outdoor Hour Challenge Catch-Up #36

It always seems like I am playing catch-up with my Outdoor Hour Challenges, but this time I really got them done on time, I just haven't been able to post them because I couldn't get my pictures off my camera!  Little C.  sucked on the cable that attaches my camera to the computer and it stopped working, so I haven't been able to download any pictures for about a month.  It has been driving me crazy.  I was so upset about not being able to post about these Challenges too, because we were just getting into the swing of things and making some really great connections with our studies.  Well, I finally picked up a new cable so I can post about our challenges now.  Better late than never, right?

Challenge # 36 was a seasonal tree study.  We were supposed to pick a tree back in the summer time and study it in each of the four seasons.  Well, we never picked our tree this summer.  We had an awful year for trees.  My four favorite trees in our yard died this year (two peaches and two redbuds. . .), and I was too depressed about it to pick anything this summer, but fall was the perfect time to begin our tree study.  We surveyed the neighborhood looking for just the right tree to study.  We finally settled on this tree.  

I still haven't figured out what type of tree it is, but it was so interesting that the vote was unanimous.  

We especially loved the leaves.  They look kind of like needles, but were softer than needles.  We loved how they were an orangy-red, with the little bits of green.

When we came home all of the boys actually made entries in their nature-journal!  

I was thrilled.  

They had all gathered a couple of leaves and did leaf rubbings when we got home.

They also drew their own interpretations of the tree.  

They're not Rembrandts yet, but they're on their way. . . .

I will post challenge #37 in a separate entry, but we have really loved this tree focus!


Barb said...

Oh, I love your tree. I have no idea what kind it is but the leaves are very pretty and I can imagine them being soft to the touch.

Your boys did great journal entries and it will be fun for them to watch the tree for a whole year.

Thank you for sharing your link for this challenge,
Barb-Harmony Art Mom

Angela said...

Look how excited they are! I love it!

Unknown said...

Great post. Thanks for sharing. Trees are among my favorite things--especially when covered in snow.

Just to let you know, there's a new book contest running on my blog today. It's a good one :-)