It's four weeks past our average last frost date. I thought I was safe when I planted our summer veggies last weekend. Apparently not. I am in mourning today over my lost "crops", including:
- 6 tomato
- 8 pickling cucumber
- 4 slicing cucumber
- 4 bell pepper
- 4 jalapeño
- 2 basil
- 2 eggplant
- 4 cantaloupe
- 1 zucchini
- 2 banana squash
Luckily I hadn't yet planted my pumpkins, and a few other squash. I also had two leftover jalapeño plants that I hadn't given away yet. I have been sick about it all day though. I am trying to take solace in all the spring veggies I have growing that don't mind this cold too much. I hate the thought of having to buy all those replacement plants, but I hate the thought of not having all those wonderful fresh veggies this summer even more. Maybe I can find them on sale somewhere? Wish me luck.