Monday, November 15, 2010

The Greatest Man I Know

I was reading in my journal last night about when Doug and I started dating. We were so in love, and I trusted completely in the fact that he would be able to make me happy for the rest of my life. Although it's funny to look back and realize how little we really knew each other, I was absolutely right about that fact. He has never stopped making me laugh, filling me with joy, or being the man of my dreams.

I thought he would be a wonderful father, but little did I know then how much our children would idolize him and try to spend as much time with him as they possibly could, even as they entered the teenage years. I thought he would be a good example to me and my children, but little did I know how often I would turn to him for guidance and direction with questions and decisions I faced and trust completely that the answers he gave me were right. I thought that he would always love me and help me feel good about myself, but little did I know that after 5 kids, and 17+ years of marriage, he would still make me feel like there was no other woman who could ever hold a candle to me in his eyes. I thought I knew the happiness I would have if I married him, but I never could have imagined the joy it has been to be married to my best friend and the greatest man I know. I trust that in another 17 years I will look back on today and realize that I had no idea how good it could really get.